Indianapolis Temple

Indianapolis Temple

Birthday Fun

9/24/2011 07:38:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I turned 28 this year and had a great birthday week. My actual birthday fell on the longest day of work for me so I didn't get home until 7:30 pm. Lara and Vivi greeted me at the door with hugs and kisses and exclamations of how they were making cards and cake. Such a great way to come home!

Reed and the girls gave me some shelves that I've wanted Reed to make since Mother's Day. I have no idea when he had time to do the work but somehow he did and it's a great present :)

We also had a party at the Robinsons (I don't have pictures) and a gathering at my Nana and Papa's with my family. My sister, Suki, made Pocket Frog cupcakes! There was some awesome food since there are some very good cooks in my family (Me not included).

I actually like getting older. There are a lot of great things that come with age and having more kids is one of them. Thanks for a great birthday celebration! (Vivi gave me a massage for one of my presents)


9/11/2011 07:30:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Suki and I were at our piano lessons when our teacher's husband called and told her to turn on the TV. It was a little surreal, watching the plane crash, like it was dream and not really happening. A friend brought over a small tv to our family's house, knowing that we didn't have channel reception, so that we could watch the news. And we did for the rest of the day.

At this point in time, I don't care if the Taliban were behind the attacks, or if it was an Illuminati-controlled event, or if it was an "inside" job. The fact is that a lot of innocent people lost their lives and that is the great tragedy.

I have a testimony that there is a living God who loves us and who didn't abandon us that day. Although I may not understand everything that goes on in this world, I do know that he is a just God. I was comforted on that day ten years ago and still am today knowing that this life is not the end.

As I am Inching Closer to My Birthday...

9/09/2011 06:23:00 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
I am finding that high-schoolers are looking younger and younger with every passing year. On Labor Day we were at Highbanks Metro Park and shared a pavilion with about 15 boys who were obviously cross-country training. I was sitting under the pavilion when they came back from their run and I got to eavesdrop on their conversations. Mostly about this group of girls from their school they saw in the parking lot, one of them should ask "Laura" out, blah blah blah. I thought "Really, these must be freshmen. They look so young!" Then they got into their cars and drove away. Eek! They must have been at least juniors! It made me feel better when my sister-in-law said that she had thought they were middle-schoolers.