Poems and Pictures
1/24/2014 05:43:00 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
My talented sister, Jamie, created these for my birthday. I love looking at them and it's amazing that she captured each of their personalities in the poetry. It's great to see how my family knows my girls about as well as I do. I am reminded how I am blessed to live near them. I never thought that I would stay in Ohio after college. I had applied to an internship in New York and on the drive there I remember thinking "Whoa, this is a long way from home." It was a wonderful facility and right up my alley- school setting, a variety of abilities, and the director was awesome. I got an email from the internship director saying that I was a top 2 candidate and asking if I was still interested. I wrote back and said that I was impressed with the facility, however I was withdrawing my application. I have never looked back at that decision and wish I did the opposite.