Indianapolis Temple

Indianapolis Temple

Happy New Year's!

1/01/2011 09:46:00 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
We had a great celebration with both families on New Year's Eve complete with a japanese meal at the Robinson's, and raclette with the Laulusa clan. I don't usually do resolutions, not sure why, but this year I have resolved to actually make resolutions. So here are some of mine-

1. Avoid aspartame, sucralose, and high fructose corn syrup. Yay, more label reading for me!
2. Work hard on my marriage. After reading the book "All You Need is Love and other Lies about Marriage" I know that marriage takes hard work and I am willing to do it.
3. Make a big dent in my scrapbooking... We'll see about that one.

Reed resolves to-

1. Live well.
2. Laugh often.
3. Love much.
4. Valerie thinks he should resolve to make more money or finish school.

Lara resolves to-

1. Stop sucking her thumb forever! She did very well for several months but has relapsed quite badly now.

Vivi resolves to-

1. Become potty-trained.
2. Give up her "fire" (pacifier) when the baby comes.

Here's to 2011!


Abbey said...

I like your resolutions. I like Vivi's, too. Ella doesn't know it yet, but she's resolved to get rid of the paci before May. :)

Valerie said...

Oh, I should add MSG to that list of avoids :)